With our policy we help you recover after a cyber incident
Cyber incidents
CyberContract insures cyber incidents and defines them much more broadly than the "scary" ransomware stories. Consider:
- Laptop with sensitive business information is stolen
- Daughter of the CFO is bullied on social media with out-of-context photos
- One of your outsourcers has made a mistake at a customer's site causing systems to be unavailable
- A paper containing the terms and conditions of an acquisition has been stolen
- Your business critical cloud software is unavailable because of a problem at the hosting provider
- A paper containing the terms of an acquisition has been misappropriated
- Your business critical cloud software is unavailable because of a problem at the hosting provider
- ...
Solution-Oriented Cyber Insurance
Proper cyber insurance is the obvious capstone of an effective cyber security policy. Our cyber insurance solution offers full protection, only the total intervention level (insured capital) differs. On top of the comprehensive set of top-notch guarantees, in case of a cyber incident in all our products, you enjoy active assistance from our IT and legal partners. You just call our hotline, we will provide the specialized help you need.

Insurance Products
We do not treat any cyber incident as "light," when it goes wrong you want to be helped above all. That is why we have only 1 policy in different flavors that offers the same guarantees for a small company (turnover < €250,000) as for a large company (turnover up to €100,000,000).
Our acceptance criteria are simple and aligned with reality. We guide you if you would not comply.
The premium of your policy is calculated according to your turnover figure.
Insured Capital
You have choice in Insured Capital(intervention level) where we work with 4 possible choices:
- Copper: €250.000
- Bronze: €500,000
- Silver: €1,000,000
- Gold: €2,000,000
You have a choice of exemption starting from €1,500.