Avoid costs from cyber theft and extortion

Risk: Cyber extortion, ransom, cyber theft and phone hacking
Knowledge is power. And information even more. Anyone getting hold of sensitive information is able to blackmail your with it or cause problems. And that can lead to sky-high ransom amounts.
Ensured guarantees
If your company falls victim to real cyber criminality, our cyber-risk insurance provide solid cover with the aim of terminating a security threat of, among other things: crisis-management costs ransom payment compensation in the event of digital money being stolen or loss of material assets following illegitimate access to the computer system refund of call charges as a result of unauthorized access and use of a telephone system
Does it apply to you?
A criminal with access to your software can easily change the delivery address of goods and containers. Before you even notice, the contents of the shipments have already been stolen and sold. Or imagine the access code to your Isabel payment system being stolen. Unjustified payments can cost you a lot of money!