Active assistance hotline

Small or big company, same coverages!

CyberContract insures cyber incidents and defines them much more broadly than the ‘scary’ ransomware stories.
- Laptop containing sensitive company information is stolen
- Daughter of the CFO is bullied on social media with pictures taken out of context
- One of your outsourcers has made a mistake at a customer's site, rendering systems unavailable
- A paper containing the terms of an acquisition has been stolen
- Your business-critical cloud software is unavailable because of a problem at the hosting provider
- ...

We don't treat any cyber incident as ‘light’, when things go wrong, above all you want to be helped. That is also why we have only 1 policy in different flavours that offers the same guarantees for a small company (turnover < €250,000) as for a large company (turnover up to €100,000,000).

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Cyber insurance
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